TFS Takasago Fluidic Systems

Chemical Compatibility Table - Tubing material information

March 30, 2020

This is a guide to the chemical compatibility of principle tubing materials with selected fluids.

Chemicals Silicone PTFE Tygon® PharMed® TM-15
Acetaldehyde C - C C -
Acetic acid 10% B - A A A
Acetic anhydride B - C A -
Aceton C - C C A
Alcohol B - A B A
Ammonia water C - B B -
Ammonium-Nitrate B - D D -
Benzene C - C C -
Butane B - A A -
Butyl acetate C - C B -
Caustic soda 50% B - A B -
Chloric solvent C - C C -
Chloroform C - C C -
Chromic acid C - A B -
Copper sulfate A - A A -
Dimethyl sulfoxide A - C B A
Ethyl acetate C - C B B
Ethylene glycol B - A A -
Ferric Chloride solution 43% B - A A -
Formaldehyde C - C C -
Formic acid solution 25% B A A A -
Hexane C - C C -
Hydrochloric acid 20% C - A B A
Hydrogen fluoride C - A C -
Hydrogen peroxide 30% A A A A -
Methyl alcohol B - D D A
Methyl ethyl ketone C - C C A
Nitric acid 10% C - A A A
Petroleum ether B - D D -
Phosphoric acid B - D D A
Potassium hydroxide B - D D -
Propane B - D D -
Pure water (Deionized water) A A A A A
Pyridine C - C C -
Seawater A A A A A
Sodium carbonate A A A A -
Sodium hydroxide C - B A A
Sodium hypochlorite C - A A A
Sulfuric acid 30% B - A A A
Tetrahydrofuran C - C C C
Toluene C - C C C
Xylene C - C C C

A: Compatible B: Compatible under some conditions C: Not suitable for use D: No data available
Note: The above table is for your reference only. It is recommended that you check the compatibility of a selected material with chemicals under your own conditions before use.

*Tygon® and Pharmed® are registered trademarks of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics.